
©1981 SOCAN All Rights Reserved

I dare to venture into one of the most fascinating subjects by which we are confronted in our daily journey. Since the beginning of creation, mankind has reached out for a deeper sense of knowledge of our existence and reality on the tiny planet, Earth. Perhaps the most poignant demonstration of man's curiosity comes in the iconic form of rockets launched and the first steps taken, in our case, upon the surface of the moon. The song “Astronaut” speaks to that innermost passion to understand our origin. 

Beggars and Lenders

©1981 SOCAN All Rights Reserved

We live in a world that some might say is frantically engaged in the building of wealth and in the captivation of power. Like anyone growing up in what we refer to as an environment of "global economics", there is good reason to be both blessed and challenged by the world of finance. It is particularly poignant, that we as Christian believers, often strive beyond reasonable limits to follow the sentiment of Jesus Himself, who is advising us to render unto Caesar what is decidedly his and reciprocally what is Gods.

Cheating on the East Side

©1981 SOCAN All Rights Reserved

There are depths to which a person can fall when one is confronted and overwhelmed by a darkness that lives in the deepening shadows of our life. Many are entrapped in a process of giving oneself to such destructive forces but God sees the beauty of every life as foreseen by his spiritual eyes.

Conversing on the Subject

©1981 SOCAN All Rights Reserved

Our collection of songs in the 1981 and 1983 catalogues lift up questions yet unknown and particularly in relation to the most mysterious of all subjects... the passing of our life into the next life. Rarely do we comment on the subject, due to the deep inset fear of the subject matter. Nowhere is the family more perplexed than in those rare moments when we attempt to shed light on the matter.

Holy Moly Blues

©1981 SOCAN All Rights Reserved

I hope you’ll have as much fun with this song and my associates and I did. We thought we might open up a complaints department to deal with the comments that may materialize... but I think you’ll all catch on to the humor.

Laws of Average

©1981 SOCAN All Rights Reserved

We’re all given the opportunity and words to express the truths of God’s kingdom here among us. Conceptually, this song leads the listener down a path of illumination which challenges our psyche and moral norms. The question and the challenge given by the lyrics is one whereby we are strongly reminded not only of His love but also of the rules of engagement when it comes to articulating and acting out His kingdom principles.


©1981 SOCAN All Rights Reserved

Not unlike the exploratory words of my song, “Astronaut”, here is yet another challenge of the mirid points of life of our faith in relation to our creation, and logically, our Creator.

Spirit of War

©1981 SOCAN All Rights Reserved

Admittedly, this is a “thorny” subject laced with political overtones and partisanship. Mankind has allowed himself to be relegated into the frightful modules of war. I took up the challenge of expressing both the truth and depth of this devastating arena and have brought it to the forefront in such a way that it creates a suitable question mark as we all determine how we will live and, in some cases, how we will die.

Statistical Children

©1981 SOCAN All Rights Reserve

Life is truly a mystery when one considers the life of children, often existing on the fringe of society. We must elevate our vision from the street corner to the safety and comfort of our homes. Those who are vulnerable cry out to us as statistics awaiting Godly protection. May this song draw your attention to the seemingly countless children who, without God’s blessing, will lay waste to thousands of victims hidden within the ranks of such causalities.